Saturday, June 06, 2009

Think about it...

"It's easier to die when you have lived than it is to die when you haven't. So I say to all the young people is: go make memories. Beautiful memories. When the time comes for you to go, you will not go alone."
- Dorian "Doc" Paskowitz, from the documentary Surfwise.

"Eh mais facil morrer se voce viveu do que morrer se voce nao viveu. Por isso eu digo para todos os jovens: gere memorias. Lindas memorias. Quando a hora de ir chegar para voce, voce nao vai embora sozinho."
- Dorian "Doc" Paskowitz, no documentario Surfwise.


To Andreas Toscano said...

Andreas, nice to see u hear. Citation in ur profile inspired me today: "It's easier to die when you have lived than it is to die when you haven't. So I say to all the young people is: go make memories. Beautiful memories. When the time comes for you to go, you will not go alone." U were always good in slogans and all connected to them ))... Btw, I guess memories we made together were not bad... I am sure we have smth to discuss... ) For regret, I've changed all my contact details (phones etc)... I give you new e-mail address: Hope, u r glad to hear from me... *) May be by ocasion someday will c each other again... Take care. Miss u (

Anonymous said...

man, you got to revisit your women strategy. minimal english required pls)

marcia toscano said...

Abri a boca a chorar porque você é sempre muito especial. Sua essência melhora o mundo, mesmo quando vem da escolha de palavras, gestos, poemas, pinturas, atos de outras pessoas também sensíveis, iluminadas e fascinadas com o viver. bj da tua sempre emocionada mãe.