Saturday, December 24, 2011

Bem-vindos a Krasnoyarsk.
Welcome to Krasnoyarsk.

Originally uploaded by Andreas Toscano.
Em Russo, “beleza” comeca com “Kras” e acho que nao eh coincidencia nenhuma ter um pouco dela no nome desta cidade. Dizem que Krasnoyarsk eh a cidade mais bonita da Siberia e, pelo pouco que eu vi da regiao, concordo.
Alem de estar muito bem conservada, Krasnoyarsk tem um pouco de tudo: um enorme rio (Yenisei) que cruza a cidade, montanhas (que viram estacoes de esqui no inverno), florestas (Taiga), pilares de rocha (Stolby), parques, etc. E tudo perto e facil de chegar. Ah, se voce tiver um 4x4 e um motorista louco, claro. Foi o nosso caso.
Depois de um dia normal de turista, resolvemos nos aventurar num tour off-road para ver de perto as atracoes locais. Alem da jah maravilhosa vista, fomos premiados com as cores do outono Russo, tambem conhecido como Outuno Dourado. As cores sao tao intensas que a camera digital eh incapaz de focar e captar os detalhes da paisagem onde o sol bate. Impressionante. Subimos todas as montanhas ao redor da cidade, entramos na Taiga (floresta do norte), visitamos a enorme hidroeletrica, comemos peixe defumado e escalamos alguns “stolbys”. A diferenca eh que o que as pessoas fazem aa peh, nohs fizemos de carro. Nosso piloto (nao dah para chamar de motorista) subiu tudo que eh lugar com o jipe. Nunca imaginei que fosse possivel fazer o que ele fez com aquele carro. Principalmente, na velocidade que ele fez. Assista o video abaixo para entender o que eu estou falando (esse foi na parte tranquila do passeio). Recomendo. Se voce passar por lah, fale com este cara:



In Russian, “beauty” starts with “Kras” and I believe it’s no coincidence that you can find some of it right in the name of this city. Krasnoyarsk is said to be the most beautiful city of Siberia and, from what I’ve seen so far, I must agree.
Besides being very well preserved, Krasnoyarsk has a bit of everything: it has a big river (Yenisei) that crosses the city, mountains (that turn into ski stations in winter), forests (Taiga), rock pillars (Stolby), parks, etc. All within a 10 minute car ride radius. Well, at least when you are in a 4x4 jeep conducted by a mad man. Which was our case.
After a typical tourist day, we decide to try an off-road tour to see the local attractions. Besides the already wonderful landscape, we were blessed to see the Russian autumn, also known as Golden Autumn. The colors are so intense that the camera is unable to focus and capture details where the sun hits the trees. Amazing. We climbed all the mountains that surround the city, we entered deep in the Taiga (Northern Forest), we visited the huge hydroelectric power station, we ate a lot of smoked fish and climbed a couple of “stolbys”. The only difference is that what most people do by foot, we did by car. Our pilot (I cannot call him a driver anymore) climbed everything with his jeep. I never thought it was possible to do the things he did with that car. Specially at the speed he was doing those things. Watch the video below and you’ll get the idea (that was the relaxed bit of the ride). I strongly recommend him. If you are ever in town, call this man:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...