Monday, April 16, 2007

Benvindo a Noorwijk. Ou algo assim.
Welcome to Noorwijk. Or something like that.

Originally uploaded by Andreas Toscano.
Para quem nao sabe (99% de voces), passei a ultima semana fazendo um treinamento na Holanda. Mais precisamente em Noorwijk, uma praia bem bacana, proxima aa area de cultivo de tulipas (uns 35 km de Amsterdam). Apesar da temperatura agradavel e do sol, so deu para curtir uns minutinhos de praia no ultimo dia. O que nos leva ao motivo pelo qual eu nao postei essa semana: tempo.
Minha experiencia na Ucrania me dizia que essa seria mais uma perda de tempo, um treinamento cheio de gente desinteressada, torcendo pelo break para poder beber. Minha nova experiencia ensinou o contrario: eh possivel ter um treinamento proveitoso e, acima de tudo, com gente dedicada. Foram 5 dias intensos, comecando aas 8h da manha (o treinamento, nao o cafe-da-manha) e terminando aas 7h da noite. Eram so dois coffee-breaks de 15 minutos e 30 minutos de almoco. E depois? Depois, tinha jantar de integracao, que comecava aas 19h15 e ia ate as 22h. Resumindo, nao sobrava tempo nem para respirar.
O destaque ficou para o jantar de quarta e o jantar de encerramento. Cada um foi especial aa sua maneira. O primeiro foi num restaurante chamado Party Company, onde os convidados tem que preparar a comida. Eu fui responsavel pela sobremesa: torta de maca. Sorte que o pessoal do peixe nao se cortou com as facas... O jantar de encerramento foi num lugar chamado Supperclub, um barco que ja ganhou varios premios de design. Sao tres andares: um lounge todo branco embaixo, um restaurante todo preto e um deck no topo. Ele passeia ao redor de Amsterdam e eh incrivel. Se voce estiver por la, nao deixe de conhecer. Agora eh descansar e comecar a semana para botar em pratica tudo que eu aprendi.



For those of you who didn't know (99% of you), I spent last week on a
training program in Holland. Specifically in Noorwijk, a nice beach, close to the area where Tulips are grown (about 35 km from Amsterdam). Despite of the warm weather and the sun, I could only enjoy the beach for a couple of minutes on the last day. Which leads us to the reason I haven't posted this week: time.
My experience in Ukraine showed me that this would be a waste of time, another training full of uninterested people, hoping for a break to drink. My new experience showed me the exact opposite: it's possible to have a fruitful and, above all, full of dedicated people. We had 5 intense day, starting at 8h in the morning (that's work, not breakfast) and ending at 7h in the night. During the day, we had only 2 coffee-breaks of 15 minutes each and 30 minutes for lunch. Afterwards? Afterwards we'd go for a dinner of integration between teams that started at 19h15 and ended around 22h. That means we had no free time at all.
The highlight was the dinners we had on Wednesday and the closing dinner. The first one happened in a venue called Party Company, where the guests have to prepare the food. I was responsible for the dessert: apple pie. Good thing the people responsible for the fish didn't cut themselves with the knives... The closing dinner was at Supperclub, a boat that has won many design awards. It has three floors: a fully white lounge, a totally black restaurant and a deck on top. It goes around Amsterdam during the dinner and it's amazing. If you're ever around, don't miss the opportunity of knowing it. Now it's time to rest and start the week to put all the knowledge I got to the test.

See ya.


Anonymous said...


Andreas Toscano said...
