Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tripping: Amsterdam.

Fui comemorar o Dia Dos Homens (23 de fevereiro) em Amstedam.

I went to Amsterdam to celebrate Men's Day (23rd of february).


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Key West, Miami and Lambo.

Passei por Miami para filmar a nova campanha de Orbit.

I was in Miami last month to shoot the new Orbit campaign.


Novo formato - New Format.

Resolvi fazer um teste para agilizar as atualizacoes do blog: video. Ao inves de achar tempo para escrever, edito um video com as coisas mais importantes e faco um resumo visual. Me diga o que voce acha do novo formato, por favor.

I decided to do a test, in order to speed up the updates in the blog: video. Instead of looking for free time to write, I just edit a video with the most important facts and make a visual summary of it all. Let me know what you think of the new format, please.