Friday, April 20, 2007

Certos como o dia de amanha.
As sure as the rising sun.

Originally uploaded by Andreas Toscano.
Moscow tem restaurante para todos os gostos, principalmente se o seu gosto eh comida japonesa. Isso porque tem sushi em TODOS os restaurantes que voce vai, independentemente da cozinha pela qual o restaurante eh conhecido. Fui num restaurante com comida do Uzbequistao e lah estava o menuzinho de sushi. Deu ateh medo: olhar um cozinheiro gigante, com cara de invocado (cara de matador), apertando bolinhos de arroz.
Outra coisa que nao falta em restaurante nenhum eh o chicletinho pos-refeicao. O engracado eh que Wrigley's nao vende quase nada na rua porque as pessoas preferem tabletes (tipo Orbit). Os caras acharam uma mina de ouro, afinal esse tipo de chiclete eh embalado individualmente e cabe no livrinho capa dura da conta. Claro que o cliclete supre a necessidade de escovar os dentes depois do almoco (para eles, nao para mim).



Moscow has restaurants for all tastes, especially if your taste favours Japanese food. That's because there's sushi in EVERY SINGLE restaurant you go to, regardless of the cuisine for which the restaurant os known for. I went to an Uzbek restaurant and there it was, the little sushi menu. It was almost frightening to look at a huge cook, with an angry look on his face (like a matador), squeezing tiny rice balls with his fingers.
Another sure thing in any resturant is the post-meal chewing gum. The funny thing is that Wrigley's gum does not sell well in street shops because people prefer tablets. They found a gold mine in restaurants because their gum in individually wrapped and fits inside the hard cover bill book. Of course, the gum also supresses the need of brushing your teeth after the meal (for them, not for me).


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